Nice little surprise in the mail today. Columbia Poetry Review accepted a poem.

I wonder how many journals are named after animals versus how many are named after food (milk and octopus for example). By far, the so and so review has to be the most popular. Does the word review make a journal seem more legit?

The word review sometimes puts me off. Although there are some very good journals with the word review in the title. I do like Columbia and sometimes Hayden's Ferry and Iowa (all reviews).

Scientific sounding journals are quite hip now (animals and food are always hip).

scientific (Conduit, Diagram, Forklift),

animals (Octopus)

food (Milk)

beauty products (Shampoo)

language based (typo)

Body parts (Gut Cult)

The tide is rising. The guards are switching. The I is being replaced by the eye.