
I received some genuine sheepskin slippers in the mail today.

I just wish it were cold around these parts. Ah well, it does make me feel cozy. It'll be damp sheepskin most of the time with the humidy around here.

Speaking of cozy. when I write about "my life" on this blog is it self-expression?

Or even when I use some random operations to write poetry does it still end up as a form of self-expression? What are the various degrees of self-expression? Can self-expression include process-oriented approaches to art/life?

When I hear self-expression I think gap. I think of my wooly slippers. My fetish of macs.

I am contemplating how best to challenge self-expression. I do not disagree with the concept in a general sense. I only disagree with its vulgar application.

In other words, the notion of a stable self (if the self is constantly in motion and is constructed then self-expression takes a spin). Or/and the notion of poetry as energy from within rather than without (Jack Spicers radio etc.)

yes, yes. This is the old party line. But it is also a way. A means to approach language realities.

I cannot think without language if language includes images and the movement of my body etc.