Alien Memory Machine

It turns out Placebo is actually part of Alien Memory Machine. It is not a new manuscript.

Spent 7 hours revising Alien Memory Machine. Line breaks, forms, rearranging lines and poems in the manuscript and adding Placebo to the manuscript. The manuscript is not quite finished. I mainly have to revise and add poems to the Moving Pictures section. Also revise more in the other sections.

Alien Memory Machine is divided into three sections:

1. Moving Pictures

Moving pictures orbits around film noir and horror films and serials. Most of the poems are titled according to the setting/place of the film or serial. Zombie flicks. The serial Sopranos and True Blood (from HBO) and more . . .

2. London

The poems in this section were written in or near tube stops in London. Each poem is titled according to the tube stop.

3. Placebo

This section explores the human eye and memory. Narratives, as in the stories we tell ourselves, are also explored.

Place and image are two of the central concerns of Alien Memory Machine. Seems like that is one of continual obsessions (also an obsession in Godzenie but with different frames).