another quick revision

Unheimlichkeit ( the breaking of ground)

it takes four horses
to overcome
14 pounds
of limp flesh

& what is crossed
is found again

in modern Utah
a cowboy came
to me shucking
corn and shrugging
with his wads of
paper from the Lamma
welfare shelter
and I was chewing
Now & Laters
while my grandmother
Jean was dissolving
into Northern
Irish gravy oh lottery
to the grand
land of dreams of
Star Wars figures
forgotten on light bulbs
this is a faint signal
from Portadown
to Milton Keynes to
Las Vegas
agog with crackes and shells
alive alive piecing together
extra bits is that you
in front of me in a rocket ship
with Neil Diamond
blasting we're coming
to America
today today but I'm in Elblag
Poland among Teutonic
bones and the shadow of a nun
in her spires I've dreamed
of horses I've dreamed of lands
I've never seen

such a variety of houses & fortresses
which fish make from their own liquor
& saliva these details take precedence
over a panorama