Gdansk airport

Gdansk Airport

Polish news at Gdansk airport & business men gathered round to count and count and count and I exchange ZL for £ and stuff it all into an envelope my life is down to 15 kilos

plus a laptop . . . . I am off to London . . . then SLC . . . then . . . looks like Turkey . . .

There is a Polish woman in the lounge. She dreams of Mexico, dreams of warmer climates. She breaks her chocolate. This is her sacrament. Don't let me be lonely. She is 40. All of our clocks are ticking, honey.

el chimps . . . oh my fresh springlings . . . . I have taken up a course and what ails me
is not the journey but the settlement . . . . what praise doth enter this abdomen what sloth doth climb into this intestinal tract . . . .

The Polish woman tells me her name is Beata. She zones. I zone. We all zone. I'm ok you're ok we're flapping our way out of this cold Polish night into another cold night. Stone gods sit on the hill overlooking the ships . . . docking . . . undocking . . . .

come play in my garden

I want to cycle

these faces

come flicker

my screens

Can you hear
the love


in the instant

I am
stone deaf

I want to touch your face