Olympos (second draft)


(1 March 2010)

on the wet floors
of the rocks
of the rocks
on the wet floors

grayed steps
lighting sheets

stone steps
stone steps
stone steps

heat and oil

a place of
eternal torches

we were cold
we were cold
it was raining
we were cold

a place of stones
and rocks
and rain

loud slaps from the dark sky
loud slaps over the Mediterranean

and these torches
these torches
among the rocks
these eternal torches
among the rocks

a place of ruins
a place of Roman ruins

decayed columns
fallen columns
crumbling columns

the beginning of the end
of a new relationship
amid thorns
amid forking paths
amid frogs
amid one chilled out
sunbathing turtle

splayed legs
leathery head
shell slightly cracked

softer softer softer
than i had imagined

waded in
waded in

the Mediterranean
the Mediterranean
the Mediterranean

watched others