from the words of Frank (from Watermelon Island)

Fleshing out Watermelon Island. The chapters now have names. Characters are being developed. Still a lot of work. Burning parts of the plot to get to the characters. The plot is getting too thick.

Here is one of them:


There’s no need to starve yourself. It’s about what’s storied and what’s burned. We have to get to the storied part and burn it. We’ll sort you out down under. But it’s not easy. Let’s start. This is where you want to go.  A forest. A forest has lots of trees. There are birds. Or the sound of birds. You can’t see the birds.  What are we doing here? Well think about it. A distant waterfall. You know why right? Water= life. You learn that in grade school. Plus add a touch of chanting. Or drumming. Drumming is OK too. The important thing is to get into that primitive state. I’m not talking about peeling back the onion layers of the brain to the reptilian one. No no. They got that wrong. Or if they got it right it’s secondary. A by-product. This is about the left talking to the right. You know, non-dual. The important thing is get whatever needs getting out of you. We prefer not to call up violent imagery. We’ve had enough of that. This is a step forward. We don’t mean turning the other cheek. We don’t mean that. We mean taking the momentum and letting it fall. And that’s an ancient technique. It’s called Aikido. You might know about it. But this is about winding yourself up so much you just have to burst. Don’t get the wrong idea though. We don’t want you to burst. Not literally. It’s just a figure of speech. Think of a balloon. If you don’t remember balloons take a look on your device. Under images. That balloon thing floats. You put all your stories in there. One by one and they burst. That’s one of the ways we do it. But don’t do it alone. You need our trained professionals. That’s what we are here for. And that’s just the first step. The first rung on the ladder so to speak. You have to get to the burning. You have to burn to really get the full effect. The burning is where you will really see the difference.  

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